Primarily for music services I offer a range of services and workshops that can be delivered in a variety of ways. These sessions can delivered as half day or whole day workshops or a series of short twilight sessions. Alternatively a series of 2 hour sessions can be spread over the academic year or term. It is generally a good idea to discuss individual music service priorities before deciding on delivery. If necessary I can travel to your base to chat through a variety of options. Below are some subjects that can prove a useful starting point.
Creating a culture of learning (How do students learn, how do we learn?) Standards of teaching and learning (Exploring our own values and our music service values. Do we share these?)
Monitoring and mentoring (What is the point?) Key competencies (Developing the skill sets)
Data Analysis (Exploring the landscape. Can data help us become smarter? ) Common Values (What are they? Do we have them? Do we need them?)
Professional development (Can one size fit all?)
Staff selection and induction (making the right choices and avoiding the problems before they begin)
Getting the best from your team
Using Music Technology creatively (Is this really possible?)